Page 25 - Ignite Change: Unleashing thought leadership - A roadmap to thougth leadership
P. 25

Teacher leaders a.k.a. thought leaders in the educational field are the best

               positioned to not only design and implement the changes, but also to maintain them
               (Boyd-Dimock and McGree 1995). Taking on opportunities within the school

               ecosystem will bring about professional fulfillment. How to achieve thought
               leadership within the school ecosystem will be discussed in Chapter 4.

                                  Case Study
                                  Often part of being a thought leader is that you need to deal with

                                  controversial or sensitive issues such as social justice, racism

                                  and/or white privilege. These issues are part of any ecosystem, and
                                  you should have an informed opinion so you can take a stance and

                                  incorporate it into your change management processes.

                                  With the knowledge of thought and teacher leaders, read the
                                  following case study (Lac and Diamond 2019) and answer the

                                  questions that follow.

                                  Put yourself in Jen and Elaine’s shoes (and as an attendee of the

                                  book study) and also reflect on how you would have responded to
                                  the given scenario.

                                  Working for Racial Equity at the Margins: Teacher-Leaders

                                  Facilitate a Book Study on Race in a Predominantly White
                                  Suburban High School



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