Page 22 - Ignite Change: Unleashing thought leadership - A roadmap to thougth leadership
P. 22
Re-draw this table and match the characteristics of a thought leader
to that of a teacher leader.
Attributes of a thought leader Attributes of a teacher leader
There are two types of teacher leaders, formal and informal. Formal teacher leaders
are in jobs with titles, such as master teacher, departmental chair. These positions
are obtained through a selection process. In contrast, an informal teacher leader “…
emerges spontaneously and organically from the teacher ranks. Instead of being
selected, they take the initiative to address a problem or institute a new
programme… Teacher leaders call others to action and energise them with the aim
of improving teaching and learning.” (Danielson 2006). Their sphere of influence is
not confined to their department but extends to their school and beyond the school.
Figure 5 Tall Poppy Syndrome