Page 12 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 12
give way to a time of mob rule, chaos in city
streets, homes and shops locked up tight to keep
out looters, and life will fall to its lowest ebb.
Priests and people, masters and slaves, buyers
and sellers, lenders and borrowers, bankers and
debtors—none will be spared. The land will be
looted and its spirit crushed. Prophets of peace will
go up and down the land deluding victims with
foolish counsel that all is well.
Now then, I am sure your first reaction to the above
prophecy may turn you off. You may be thinking to
yourself, "It's just another doomsday sermon! Another
prophet of calamity trying to scare people!" The truth
of the matter is that history repeats itself. The predic-
tions of coming calamities are not mine at all—they are
the warnings of the prophet Isaiah directed at his so-
ciety, centuries ago.
This fearless prophet saw a frightening vision of ap-
proaching calamities and cried out:

God is telling me what He is going to do. I
see the land plundered and destroyed. When I hear
what God is going to do, my stomach constricts
with burning pain; sharp pangs of horror come
upon me . . . my mind reels: my heart races; I
am gripped by an awful fear. I can no longer sleep
and I lie awake, trembling.
(Isaiah 21:2-4)
Few would listen to this prophet of despair—
especially the religious leaders, even though signs every-
where confirmed his vision. World armies were poised
for attack. Leaders of various nations were preparing to
betray one another to preserve national interests. Death
echoed from the mountain tops. Valleys were filling up
with anxious armies of hard-driving chariots. Archers
crowded each other to practice their skills. Armories
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