Page 17 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 17
You have advisors by the ton—your astrologers
and stargazers, who try to tell you what the future
holds. But they are as useless as dried grass burn-
ing in the fire. They cannot even deliver them-
selves! You'll get no help from them at all. Theirs
is no fire to sit beside to make you warm!
(Isaiah 47:13,14 LB)
I know I have seen the appearance of the finger of
God against this generation, too. My directions are simply
to cry aloud and share these warnings in every way pos-
sible. I must urge people to "get their houses in order."
I know people will call me an alarmist, a sensationalist,
and a preacher of doom and despair. Critics will fault
my methods, agnostics will mock the message, and even
well-meaning ministers and church leaders will refute
the message as "not from God"—even before they have
shut themselves in the secret closet of prayer to see if
these things really be true. Nevertheless, God's pro-
phetic warnings will always stand the test of criticism, de-
nial, and rejection. The greatest rejection will come
from those who believe their vested interests are threat-
ened. The purpose of any warning is to nudge God's
children into the perfect center of His will and to pre-
pare them for the coming crises. It is also God's way to
justify the impending judgment. A just God sends forth
merciful warnings of what He is about to do. God seeks
to melt men in a crucible of affliction.
She indulged herself in immorality, and refused
to face the fact that punishment was sure to come.
Now she lies in the gutter with no one left to lift
her out. "0 Lord," she cries, "see my plight. The
enemy has triumphed."
(Lamentations 1:9LB)
and stargazers, who try to tell you what the future
holds. But they are as useless as dried grass burn-
ing in the fire. They cannot even deliver them-
selves! You'll get no help from them at all. Theirs
is no fire to sit beside to make you warm!
(Isaiah 47:13,14 LB)
I know I have seen the appearance of the finger of
God against this generation, too. My directions are simply
to cry aloud and share these warnings in every way pos-
sible. I must urge people to "get their houses in order."
I know people will call me an alarmist, a sensationalist,
and a preacher of doom and despair. Critics will fault
my methods, agnostics will mock the message, and even
well-meaning ministers and church leaders will refute
the message as "not from God"—even before they have
shut themselves in the secret closet of prayer to see if
these things really be true. Nevertheless, God's pro-
phetic warnings will always stand the test of criticism, de-
nial, and rejection. The greatest rejection will come
from those who believe their vested interests are threat-
ened. The purpose of any warning is to nudge God's
children into the perfect center of His will and to pre-
pare them for the coming crises. It is also God's way to
justify the impending judgment. A just God sends forth
merciful warnings of what He is about to do. God seeks
to melt men in a crucible of affliction.
She indulged herself in immorality, and refused
to face the fact that punishment was sure to come.
Now she lies in the gutter with no one left to lift
her out. "0 Lord," she cries, "see my plight. The
enemy has triumphed."
(Lamentations 1:9LB)