Page 21 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 21
That is why the Lord says, "Turn to me now,
while there is time. Give me all your hearts. Come
with fasting, weeping, mourning. Let your remorse
tear at your hearts and not your garments." Return
to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and mer-
ciful. He is not easily angered; he is full of kind-
ness, and anxious not to punish you. Who knows?
Perhaps even yet he will decide to let you alone
and give you a blessing instead of a curse. Perhaps
he will give you so much that you can offer your
grain and wine to the Lord as before!
(Joel 2:12-14 LB)
3. The Suspended Specimen
The impending judgment will be just a specimen of
the final judgment on all the earth. God's cup of wrath
holds only so much iniquity. When it is full, it spills over.
Judgment is nothing but sin ripened. It is a volcano that
, erupts at the point of unmanageable pressure. Sin is the
fire, and the sinner becomes the fuel.
I believe judgment is "d" over the world at
this very moment and will fall suddenly in a series of
"black days." Society has developed a death wish. We
are committing moral suicide. );KeNp.the authors of our
own destruction. Our wounds are self-inflicted, and the
rëu1t is moral madness. People go about putting on
nooses, preparing themselves for hanging: "0 Israel,
thou hast destroyed thyself; but in me is thine help."
(Hosea 13:9 KJv)
4. Funeral Dirge
The funeral dirge has begun, and we are about to
witness the mass burial of thousands who have betrayed
the Lord God. Nothing can prop up the rotting founda-
tions of this doomed society. Our world will cringe in
fear at the awesome sight of massive death, destruction,
and upheaval. Mankind is hemorrhaging with sin, and
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