Page 24 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 24
pie's insensibility to sin. God begins to remove one sup-
port after another. One by one, trusted institutions
begin to fail. Little by little, all that was once solid and
sure begins to erode and disintegrate. Moral standards
melt like snow. Consequently, men are then governed
heir sensual appetites and not intelligence. Sin
(wraps itself in robes of piety so it can't be recognized.
J Sin grows bold, self-excusing, and runs unchecked be-
cause it lies hidden beneath the false fronts of dead reli-
gion. That makes evil men feel secure, causing those
who are furthest from God to claim to be closest to

Therefore, the Lord says, I am going to bring
calamity down upon them and they shall not es-
cape. Though they cry for mercy, I will not listen
to their pleas.
(Jeremiah 11:11 LB)
8. Men Begin to Glory in Their Gore
This nation will be judged because it has begun to
glory in its gore. Our nation is becoming stupefied by
sin, blinded by brazenness, and crippled by corruption.
Our land will be judged for a "spirit of rejoicing in
evil." Sinners no longer blush. They sin openly and bra-
zenly and rejoice in their iniquity. They now pursue
their wickedness with zest and enthusiasm, making their
wickedness a source of laughter and rejoicing. We sing
now about our sins.
What right do my beloved people have to come
any more to my Temple? For you have been un-
faithful and worshiped other gods. Can promises
and sacrifices now avert your doom and give you
life and joy again?
(Jeremiah ll:15LB)
No other generation has rejoiced so much in evil
practices. Homosexuals rejoice in their iniquity. They
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