Page 18 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 18
6. Quit Preaching Doom
The party is definitely over and I get very weary of
people who say to me, "Don't preach such gloom or
you may help bring it to pass." Isaiah said: "They tell
God's prophets, 'Shut up! We don't want any more of
your gloom. Tell us nice things; we've had about
enough of your sad reports'" (Isaiah 30:10,11 LB).
Noah's preaching did not bring the flood; God had
already passed judgment. Isaiah's preaching and warn-
ing did not bring the invading armies into Judah and
Jerusalem. The warnings of destruction by the two an-
gels did not bring the fire upon Sodom. When the cup
of iniquity is full, judgment is inevitable.
After the vision Isaiah received from God, he con-
fessed, "I am gripped by an awful fear. I can no longer
sleep, and lie awake, trembling" (Isaiah 21:4 LB).
The prophet Daniel received a vision that would af-
fect the future of all mankind. He was so disturbed by
the frightening word from God, he confessed, "When I
awoke, I was greatly disturbed, and my face was pale
with fright. Then I grew faint and was sick for several
days" (Daniel 8:17,27 LB).
The Bible claims that conditions will become so terri-
fying that the number one killer in the world will be
heart disease and "men's hearts shall fail them for fear for
watching those things that are coming upon the earth"
(Luke 21:26 LB).
All the institutions around us seem to be crumbling;
government leaders are lying and cheating; and there is
very little left in the world to trust. But it is for times
like these the sure Word of the Lord has been given. All
other ground around us may be sinking, but His Word
is the solid rock.
7. America Is In Trouble
Noah's generation is gone. Sodom is gone. Nineveh is
gone. Tyre is gone. Babylon is gone. The Grecian Em-
The party is definitely over and I get very weary of
people who say to me, "Don't preach such gloom or
you may help bring it to pass." Isaiah said: "They tell
God's prophets, 'Shut up! We don't want any more of
your gloom. Tell us nice things; we've had about
enough of your sad reports'" (Isaiah 30:10,11 LB).
Noah's preaching did not bring the flood; God had
already passed judgment. Isaiah's preaching and warn-
ing did not bring the invading armies into Judah and
Jerusalem. The warnings of destruction by the two an-
gels did not bring the fire upon Sodom. When the cup
of iniquity is full, judgment is inevitable.
After the vision Isaiah received from God, he con-
fessed, "I am gripped by an awful fear. I can no longer
sleep, and lie awake, trembling" (Isaiah 21:4 LB).
The prophet Daniel received a vision that would af-
fect the future of all mankind. He was so disturbed by
the frightening word from God, he confessed, "When I
awoke, I was greatly disturbed, and my face was pale
with fright. Then I grew faint and was sick for several
days" (Daniel 8:17,27 LB).
The Bible claims that conditions will become so terri-
fying that the number one killer in the world will be
heart disease and "men's hearts shall fail them for fear for
watching those things that are coming upon the earth"
(Luke 21:26 LB).
All the institutions around us seem to be crumbling;
government leaders are lying and cheating; and there is
very little left in the world to trust. But it is for times
like these the sure Word of the Lord has been given. All
other ground around us may be sinking, but His Word
is the solid rock.
7. America Is In Trouble
Noah's generation is gone. Sodom is gone. Nineveh is
gone. Tyre is gone. Babylon is gone. The Grecian Em-