Page 16 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 16
4. America Will Be Judged Soon
The Bible predicts that in the last days "young men
shall see visions" (Acts 2:17). The message I share with
you in this book is only one of many proclaiming that
judgment is coming. It is a message completely endorsed
by predictions of Jesus Christ himself. It came to me in
the secret closet of prayer, and like others who have seen
things that are coming, I was frightened.
I see fearful judgments coming. They will not all come
immediately, but I believe they will all take place in our
generation. We are on the brink of divine judgments so
severe not one person will be left untouched.

I set watchmen over you who warned you: "Lis-
ten for the sound of the trumpet! It will let you
know when trouble comes." But you said, "No!
We won't pay any attention!"
(Jeremiah 6:17 LB)
S. I Am Not a Jeane Dixon
Before I share this message let me give you some
background. I do not consider myself a prophet and I
have always been wary of visions, dreams, and impres-
sions. I believe we get our directions from the Word of
God, and I have always been Bible-centered in my
preaching. We live in a time when astrologers, mental-
ists, fortune-tellers, and self-acclaimed prophets and
prophetesses like Edgar Cayce and Jeane Dixon have ac-
quired tremendous followings. But, ever since Moses' day,
astrologers and soothsayers have had to stand back in
awe when the "finger of God" appeared. That same fin-
ger of God appeared in the time of King Belshazzar, and
no magician or soothsayer could interpret God's hand-
writing on the wall. The soothsayers, prognosticators,
and astrologers of today are voicing nothing but echoes
and shadows. Isaiah said of them:
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