Page 30 - Ulpan-Or: Dialogues, Unit-6-dial-16-18 191015-V2313-NPW
P. 30
Dialogues – Unit 6
Act out from English.
1 Excuse me, do you work here?
2 Yes, I’m the secretary.
3 Maybe you know where there’s a bus to Talpiot?
4 Yes, bus no. 22 under the building. Who are you?
5 I’m Daniel Levy.
6 You were in an interview now, right? How was it?
7 So-so. I think my CV was good, and the interview was good too, but they’re looking for
employees for two years.
8 And you don’t want to commit?
9 I want to, but I can’t. I’m enlisting in August.
11 Enlisting?! What, you’re only 18?
11 No, I’m 22, but… Never mind, it’s a long story.
12 Very long? More than an hour?
13 Why do you ask?
14 I have a lunch break for an hour, and there’s a good cafeteria here. Do you want to have
[drink] coffee together?
15 Ya, why not? I could use [I need] a good coffee now.
16 At the cafeteria
17 OK, so this is the story: I’m a new immigrant from New York. I studied in college for 4
years and I only now came on aliya to Israel. That’s why I’m only enlisting in the army at
the age of 22. That’s it.
18 That’s it? That’s not such a long story.
19 Ya, true. But in Israel everyone says “a long story” when they’re not in the mood to talk.
21 Oh… You’re not in the mood to talk?
21 Now I am in the mood to talk. But 5 minutes ago I was bummed from the interview and I
wasn’t in the mood to talk.
22 Bummed? Why? Is this your first job interview in Israel?
23 Yes.
24 Do you want to work fulltime?
25 Yes. I want to work fulltime and maybe also work overtime.
26 Do you want to get a good salary?
27 Ummm… Yes. I want to get a good salary.
28 And you’re bummed after one interview? It takes time to find a full time job, plus
overtime and a good salary.
29 Ya, that’s true. You know what? Now I’m not bummed anymore. Now I’m happy to be drinking
coffee with you. What are you doing this evening?
31 Are you inviting me on a date or are you conducting [doing] a poll?
31 I’m conducting a poll.
32 Oh… this is a nice poll. Yes, I’d like [I want] to have coffee with you.
33 Excellent. At 8:00 at Café Joe?
34 8:00 at Café Joe. Goodbye.
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