Page 37 - Ulpan-Or: Verbs Present, Unit 1- Piel 010815-V237-NPW
P. 37
Introduction to Prepositions
Additional prepositions with pronouns
Examples: You invite her – ) היא+ ַאתה ַמזמין אֹו ָתּה ( ֶאת
ֶאת I see you - ) ַאתה+ ֲאני רֹו ֶאה אֹו ְתָך ( ֶאת
With - עם They study with me - ) ֲאני+ ֵהם לֹומדים ִא ִתי (עם
He talks with her - )הּוא מ ַד ֵבר ִא ָתּה (עם היא
From – ...מ
What do you want from me? – ? ) ֲאני+ ...מה ַאתה רֹו ֶצה ִמ ֶמ ִני (מ
1) In modern Hebrew the preposition ( עםwith) when is combined with
pronouns turns to ִאת. For instance, in modern Hebrew we use ( ִא ְתָךwith
instead of עמָך.
2) When preposition ...( ִמfrom) is combined with pronouns, the first letter אof
the pronoun in most cases turns to מ.
For instance, instead of ( ֶמ ֲא ִניfrom me) - we say ִמ ֶמ ִני.
Remember: correct use of preposition is like
selecting matching Lego blocks to create the
structure you desire.
Make sure you use prepositions correctly in
Hebrew, otherwise you might end up creating sentences like the
following one:
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. העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן