Page 10 - TA-Yaffo-Advanced -RB-FP-070622
P. 10
םילימ רצוא – ןועשה רכ יכ
they were completed םינש 25 ואלמ ,ואלמ
25 years were completed
rule ןוטלש
sultan ןאטלוס
to celebrate גוגחל
half a jubilee, 25 years לבוי יצח
empire הירפמיא
money, from the money of יפסכמ ,ףסכ
resident(s) םיבשות ,בשות
of course ןבומכ
interest סרטניא
to donate םורתל
merchant רחוס
he has no life םייח ול ןיא
to find out ררבל
ship הניפס
to bother דירטהל
by the way בגא ךרד
known (m. sing.) עודי
for spite םתס
to annoy ןבצעל
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