Page 7 - TA-Yaffo-Advanced -RB-FP-070622
P. 7
The Bridge of Wishes
The old residents of Yaffo know to tell a story about Yaffo from the (Greek) Mythology:
Andromeda thought that she was the most beautiful mermaid in the world. Poseidon the
Sea God punished her and sent a big monster to the place where she lived. In order to
appease the angry god, Andromeda’s father gave him a gift. He put his daughter
Andromeda on Yaffo’s stones and tied her (up). But it was for her good fortune that
Zeus’s son passed there, fell in love with her, and took her (away) from there. By the
inspiration of this story the streets of Yaffo are named (after) the names of the zodiac
signs, and on Yaffo’s “bridge of wishes” there are statues of all the zodiac signs. Do you
want to fulfill a wish? Go to the bridge, find the statue of your zodiac sign and hold onto
it. Now look to the sea and quietly ask for the wish. If you asked for a warm pita, your
wish will surely come true [be fulfilled] quickly. The most famous pita bakery in Israel –
Abulafia – is situated in Yaffo.
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