Page 19 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (04.07.17) High Inter Level
P. 19
E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest
Item #4 (High-Intermediate Level)
Now listen again and check your answers.
Listen again several times till you feel you know well the new
Talking Dictionary – אֹו ַצר ִמ ִלים ֻמ ְק ָלט
English עבריתEnglish עברית
freshness ְט ִריּות6 to decide ְל ַה ְח ִליט 1
we decided )( ִה ְפ ִעיל
to pick (fruit) ֶּה ְח ַל ְטנּו
pick (m. pl.)
to rest )ִל ְק ֹטף ( ָׁפ ַעל 7 to wave ) ְלנֹו ֵּפף ( ִפ ֵּעל2
rest (m. pl.) קֹו ְט ִפים 8 to bend (down)
anchor ְל ִה ְתּכֹו ֵּפף 3
to pick up )ָׁלנּו ַח ( ָׁפ ַעל )( ִה ְת ַפ ֵּעל 4
pick up (m. pl.) ָׁנ ִחים 5
,ִע ָׁקרֹון
ַק ְר ָׁין9 principle(s) ֶּע ְקרֹונֹות
)ֶּל ֱא ֹסף ( ָׁפ ַעל 10 at our foothills עֹו ְמ ִדים
אֹו ְס ִפים ְל ַמ ְר ְגלֹו ֵּתינּו
Page 19 - Edition 07-04-17
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