Page 21 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (04.07.17) High Inter Level
P. 21
E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest
Item #4 (High-Intermediate Level)
Fruit and Vegetables by a Click
“When you order vegetables and fruits on the internet, how much time has
passed since [the moment] they were picked? Generations! So we at
Yellow decided to put an end to this. Meet Shraga, our picker – Shraga,
less waving, more bending down, right? Two principles are at our
foothills: freshness, freshness, and freshness again! You order, we pick!
You don’t order? We rest. No, not you Shraga, you’re still an intern.
Anchor, please.”
New at fresh fruit and vegetables, from the country – directly
to (your) trunk! You order, we pick! Go into, order fresh
vegetables and fruits directly from the country, choose a Yellow store and
pick (it) up on (your) way – when it’s convenient!, buy with a
click – pick up quick!
“Come on Shraga, that lettuce isn’t going to pick itself, right?”
Page 21 - Edition 07-04-17
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