P. 20

2.  CONSTRUCTION  INDUSTRY:  It  is  one  of  the  largest  areas  in  which  the  network

                     techniques of project management have found application. These techniques are used in
                     the construction of buildings, roads, highways, bridges, dams and irrigation projects.

                  3.  MANUFACTURING: The design, development and testing of new machines, installing
                     machines  and  plant  layouts  are  a  few  examples  of  how  it  can  be  applied  to  the

                     manufacturing function of a firm. It has been used in manufacturing of ships, airplanes,

                  4.  MAINTENANCE PLANNING: R & D has been the most extensive area where PERT

                     has been used for development of new products, processes and systems. It has been used in
                     missile development, space programmes, strategic and tactical military operations, etc.

                  5.  INVENTORY PLANNING: Installation of production and inventory control, acquisition

                     of spare parts, etc. have been greatly helped by network techniques.
                  6.  MARKETING: Networks have been used for advertising programmes, for development

                     and launching of new products and for planning their distribution.
                  7.  OTHER  AREAS  OF  APPLICATION  are  preparation  of  budget  and  auditing,

                     installation of computers and large machinery, organization of big conferences and public
                     works, advertising and sales promotion strategies, etc.
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