Page 3 - RISALAH-BAI-AT_Neat
P. 3


               Indeed all praise is for Allh, we always praise, and ask

               for help and forgiveness only from Him, as well as always

               taking  refuge  with  Him  from  the  evils  of  our  souls  and

               from the evil of our deeds. Whoever is given guidance by

               Allh  then  there  is  nobody  capable  of  misleading  ‘him’

               and  whoever  is  away  from  the  true  path  then  there  is

               nobody capable of bestowing guidance upon ‘him’ except


               I  bear  witness  that  there  is  no  ilah  worthy  of  worship

               (being  worshipped)  excepting  only  Allh,  there  is  no

               partner with Him, and I bear witness that Mu˛ammad is

               His servant and Messenger.

               This beneficial and valuable message has been written by

               Shaikhul Isl+m Abü Al fiAbb+s Ibnu Taimiyah ﺎﻬﻣﺣﺭ. He

               discusses  the  partisanship  (fanaticism)  towards  one

               particular jam+fiah of the Muslims, a partisanship towards

               a person – whether they are from those who remember or

               from those who are heedless (negligent, unmindful) – to

               whom one is always pledged and always loyal to and does

               not  violate  his  (the  person)  commands.  This  message  is
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