Page 5 - RISALAH-BAI-AT_Neat
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it  is  believed  possesses  fa∂ılah  (moral  excellence)  or

               specific virtues.

               Secondly:  The  next  characteristic  that  emerges  is  that

               they  will  fully  accept  everything  that  they  receive  from

               their  group  wholeheartedly  and  with  approval.  If  they

               encounter  something  that  is  contrary  to  that  which  they

               get, then they will strongly reject it and all-out defend the

               opinion of their group. In fact, they will rebut and deny an

               opinion  that  contradicts  theirs  by  making  use  of

               arguments that sometimes do not seek the truth.

               If  this  characteristic  alone  is  within  ‘mankind’  then  it

               stands  to  reason  that  religion,  streams  of  thought,  and

               groups will disappear from the face of the earth. And the

               rights of each of these will be one, with no multiplicity.

               The  Streamlining  of  some  Understandings  and

               Perceptions amongst Dafiwah Activists

               There  are  some  misperceptions  amongst  some  Isl+mic

               movement  activists  today  that  must  be  explained,

               corrected and straightened out.
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