Page 7 - RISALAH-BAI-AT_Neat
P. 7

Within his message, Ibnu Taimiyah also emphasizes the

               obligation             of        holding           tathabbut             (verification,

               confirmation, ascertainment) if in the event of a dispute

               between one mufiallim and another mufiallim, or between

               one  student  and  another  student,  or  between  a  student

               with a teacher. And it is also forbidden to defend and side

               with either one of them without clear knowledge and only

               by following desires, whether it involves a close friend or


               If such Understanding remains in error

               As for that which is associated with the second issue, our

               explanation is as follows:

               Currently amongst the Isl+mic dafiwah activists there are a

               number  of  understandings  that  must  be  straightened  out

               (spelt out, clarified) and corrected. This because, if these

               issues  are  left  unattended  then  errors  and  illnesses  will

               become  more  deeply  entrenched  within  the  body  of  the

               community and can give rise to broken hearts.
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