Page 62 - ION Indie Magazine MarchApril 2023
P. 62

MH:  Hey  Jesse  and  company.  Thank  you  for       JB: (con’t) of our first day writing songs together, but
          this  quick  interview  and  thank  you  for  an      he  asked  me  to  send  it  to  him  to  work  on.  There
          awesome  show.  Ok,  I  got  to  ask  the  most       wasn't enough time to get it done for that Christmas,
          important question of this new year, and I think      but last year, good ole' Robby Lochner remembered
          I know the answer. Tell me, if anything, what         the  song  and  started  work  on  it  without  telling
          does your band name mean?                             anyone. Out of the blue one day, the song I wrote as
                                                                a gift to my family 5 years earlier, was suddenly done
          Jesse Blaze: Dedicated. Involved. Loving. Fathers.    and sitting in my inbox… or mostly done. We'd had
          United States of Argentina.                           it  mastered  just  a  few  weeks  later.  Shout  out  to
                                                                Robby for seeing it through and making it sound so
          MH: I've known Robby since the beginning of           damn amazing!
          time,  and  we've  worked  on  a  solo  interview
          several  ION  Indie  Magazine  issues  ago.  I        MH: Who are your biggest influences as a band?
          recently learned quite a bit about and you and
          your  other  a  producer/writer/actor.      JB: There's a lot of different influences that we have.
          Please  share  with  our  readers  who  the           We like to hit fast and hard like our favorite punk and
          members  of  D.I.L.F.  USA  are  and  the             metal  bands.  But  we  also  just  live  to  make  our
          instruments they play.                                audience  smile.  When  we  began  crafting  our  live
                                                                shows,  we  chose  covers  that  we  felt  were  real
          JB:  I  sing.  Robby  Lochner  rips  on  guitar  and   showstoppers,  something  we  like  to  call  ‘encores
          produces the fuck out of our original material. Dan   only.’ Feeling that stuff out led us to a lot of different
          McNay  is  our  gloriously  sexy  bass  player/song   influences like Blur and the Beastie Boys. I can do a
          masher. And our most recent addition is Mr. Tony      lot of different kinds of things vocally, so it's def given
          Snow, slamming them drums.                            us some versatility that very few bands have. I'm as
                                                                comfortable growling, as I am rapping, as I am sing
          MH:  How  did  you  all connect  to  form  D.I.L.F.   up high, but if I had to define us as anything, it's an
          USA?                                                  edgy  pop  punk/hard  rock  band.  We  try  to  make
                                                                music that everyone can understand and get behind.
          JB:  Basically,  Robby  and  Dan  backed-up  Jack     I really believe that there are some songs that are
          Russell on tour and needed someone to fill-in on      just  undeniable  to  all  who  listen,  and  we  strive  to
          vocals  for  two  shows.  They  called  me  up  and  it   make every song we produce into that kinda song --
          went so well, the rest is rock history.               something that's hard not to like.

          MH:  I  really  enjoyed  the  Christmas  tune  the    MH: Does the band have a songwriting process,
          band  released  late  last  year.  The  video  was    or does everyone bring riffs and create music in
          also fun to watch. I would put it up with Bing        the studio?
          Crosby and Mariah Carey's Christmas songs.
          Ok, maybe not so way up there. Who came up            JB: I can't stop writing. Songs are constantly falling
          with  the  idea  to  write  a  Christmas  song  and   out of my face, and if it's a good enough premise, I'll
          what is the inspiration behind it?                    make a recording on my phone and hold on to it until
                                                                I have a use. In doing so, I've amassed well over a
          JB: My family (my mom in particular) loves to make    thousand bangers of all varieties that I've just been
          a really big show of Christmas. Christmas in my       sitting on for the right time. When we put this band
          house growing up tended to be all December long!      together, I showed up loaded for bear and have been
          I remember the first time I heard the ‘12 Days of     offering  ideas  until  we  found  the  things  that  most
          Christmas.’ I was struck by how many days they        spoke to us as a group. Once I got a handle on our
          were missing. 12 days?! Don't you mean 25?! One       musical direction, I started writing things for D.I.L.F.
          day, the words ‘on the first day of December’ came    and we've been slowly bringing them all to life. Then
          out of my mouth, and therest of the song just kinda   Robby gets cracking in the studio and it ain't long
          followed  as  a tribute  to  the  Christmas  I  grew up   before we're tweaking and finishing things up. Also,
          celebrating. It  was  just a  throw-away  thing  that  I   Dan has a great ear for mashups. We do a cover of
          mentioned to Robby at the very end of our (con’t)     2 Live Crew's ‘We Want Some Pussy’ to the tune of
                                                                AC/DC's T.N.T. that brings the house down!
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