Page 9 - ION Indie Magazine SeptOct 2022
P. 9

MH: Tell me a little about the band name and the inspiration behind it.

          AM: Well, it's kind of a heavy subject, ya know, life and death; our mortality. Armando Moreno &
          The Revival? After my mom’s passing and the grieving process, what I learned in counseling was
          to really look at life as something that…it's here and gone before we know it, to really stop to enjoy
          and be in the now, be intentional about being in the moment. Once I got that revelation, it was like
          life was revived again in me and the intense pain started to fade. I experienced a revival of my life,
          my spirit, in the recording process because it was very cathartic. I guess that's where the band name
          came to me.

          MH: What style or genre of music do you consider yourself and how would you describe
          your style of playing and music?

          AM:  At  heart,  my  music  is  rock  n  roll  based  at  its  core,  but  it  has  flavorings  of  pop,  country,
          Americana, southern rock, and 70's rock. My style of music and playing has really been trimmed
          down to getting the point across as simple as possible. Not getting over technical with the guitar but
          letting the melody and harmonies of the vocals be the focus. Even the bands I liked in my youth,
          like Jellyfish, Extreme, Kings X, as examples, had major Beatles’ influences and the vocals were
          always key.
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