Page 13 - ION Indie Magazine JulyAugust 2022
P. 13

LS:  You  did  a  fabulous  rendition  of  the        LS:  You  just  finished  a  fantastic  run  of
            popular  Phil  Collins'  song  'Easy  Lover.'         the  Paradise  Tour.  Do  you  have  any
            Do you have plans to release any more                 other plans for touring in 2022?
            reimagined cover songs? Maybe even
            an  album  of  cover  songs  with  that               GGFO:  It  was  amazing  to  be  touring
            distinguishable GGFO sound?                           again after so long! We never thought
                                                                  we'd  go 2+  years  without  performing.
            GGFO (Jon): Thanks! That was a fun one!               We don't have another tour planned,
            It  was  brought  to  our  attention  that  I         but I'm sure we'll be back out soon.
            sound  a  lot  like  Philip  Bailey,  and  our
            friend  Peter  Kirk  (Panama  Wedding)                LS:  What  advice  would  you  give  to  a
            sounds shockingly similar to Phil Collins.            new artist seeking a career in music?
            The  rest  is  history. Being  huge  fans  of
            other artists, we love to pay tribute with            GGFO:  Just  do  it!  If  you're  inspired  to
            covers. I'm sure we'll do many more!                  write songs, just start writing. Don't worry
                                                                  about  being  "great".  Success  and
            LS:  If  given  the  opportunity,  which              happiness  are  all  in  the  process  and
            artist/band  would  fulfill  the  role  of  'the      the journey. You have to love doing it
            ultimate collaboration' for GGFO?                     regardless  of  any  outcome.  Be
                                                                  prepared for a crazy rollercoaster!
            GGFO:  That  is  such  a  hard  question
            since  we'd  be  thrilled  to  collaborate            LS: What aspirations do you have for the
            with so many artists. I could see us doing            future of GGFO?
            something really special with The 1975.
            A  GGFO  +  BTS  collab  would  be                    GGFO (Jon): I have so many goals and
            epic. Beyoncé!                                        dreams for GGFO, but mainly I'd love to
                                                                  just  keep  making  music!  My  favorite
            LS:  With  the  success  of  your  previous           thing about touring is meeting fans and
            releases  including  your  recent  singles            seeing  firsthand  how  much  joy  our
            such as 'Paradise' and 'Love Runs Out,'               music brings to people. It's so fulfilling to
            can we expect a new album to follow in                feel  like  we're  contributing  something
            the near future?                                      positive at a time when there's so much
            GGFO: In the last year we released our
            5th EP and three new singles. It feels like           LS: Where can our readers learn more
            we're entering a new chapter which will               about GGFO?
            surely  come  with  much  more  music!
            Maybe an album!                                       GGFO: You can follow us everywhere
                                                                  @greatgoodfineok  or  you  can  go  to
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