Page 54 - ION Indie Magazine JULYAUG 2024
P. 54

Top Tier Creators

                        Signed Artists to the BIG 3 labels have at their disposal deep
                        pockets, and incredibly influential Legal representation, which

                        is  a  huge  deterrent  for  creators  to  take  on  the  totality  of  an
                        infringement,  simply  because  they  don’t  have  the  resources
                        necessary to go the distance in a 3-to-10-year battle in court.

                        Copyright subsists the moment a song is created and affixed to
                        a  medium such  as  file, a CD,  etc, however: if another artist
                        registers  someone  else’s  song  without  their  knowledge  and

                        releases the track, its very challenging to then prove that the
                        artist  who  did  not  register  their  ownership  of  the  song(s)  is
                        actually the original creator.

                        What the D.I.Y. creators can do to curb this from happening is
                        spend the $65.00 USD at the Library of Congress and add a
                        copyright  to  the  Musical  work  underlying  composition  along

                        with  any  lyrics  created  by  a  songwriter  or  composer  and
                        obtaining  Copyright  on  the  SR  (sound  recording)  and  the
                        written elements that make up the track.

                        Be aware that artists can also create new SR sound recordings
                        that comply with variance by having a track plus or minus 14
                        seconds,  along  with  making  an  acoustical  version,  multiple

                        languages  versions,  extended  re-mix  versions,  music  only
                        versions etc.  To give scope some recorded songs have over
                        10,000 registrations of their songs and the variances that they

                        add to a track. The artist can also register the written body of
                        work  as their own  and add copyright to their  video creation.
                        Make certain to do this after you have obtained your ISRC code

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