Page 54 - Winter 2018 Journal
P. 54
ASTM INTERNATIONAL is a globally recognized leader in the requirement for outdoor fabric and an impact drop height of
development and delivery of voluntary consensus standards. 6 feet. This ballot received so many negative comments, the
More than 12,000 ASTM standards are used around the world subcommittee pulled the ballot.
to improve product quality, enhance health and safety, strengthen The scope of the Subcommittee F08.53 Headgear
market access and trade, and build consumer confidence. and Helmets includes ski helmets. This group is working
ASTM’s open consensus process welcomes and encourages on a revision of the F2040 – 11 Standard Specification
participation from all interested stakeholders including for Helmets Used for Recreational Snow Sports to include
producers (product manufacturers), users (business owners, variable mass headforms and a C size headform for use in the
operators, retailers, etc.), general interest groups (such as NSAA, design, construction, and testing of helmets.
engineering firms, and insurance companies), and consumers The Subcommittee F08.66 Sports Facilities scope
(the people buying or using the end product). includes ice rinks. This group recently balloted an update
Within ASTM, there are more than 140 technical to the safety standards developed earlier this year that relate
standards-writing committees that oversee particular categories to the operation of ice rinks. Feedback from managers at a
or industries. Of these, three primary technical committees couple of ice rinks indicated that these updates were in line
directly and indirectly impact NSAA members: with their current practices.
• Committee F08 on Sports Equipment, Playing The most recent meeting for F08 was November
Surfaces, and Facilities 14–17, 2017.
• Committee F24 on Amusement Rides and Devices
• Committee F27 on Snow Skiing Committee F24 on Amusement Rides and Devices
Much of this committee is focused on amusement rides
Within each of these groups are several subcommittees that like those found at a Disney park or state fair. However,
focus on specific aspects or particular products within the subcommittees oversee waterparks and aerial adventure
overall category or industry. For example, Committee F24 on courses, along with go-karts and bumper boats. Resorts that
Amusement Rides and Devices has a Subcommittee F24.61 offer a variety of such attractions may be affected by the
on Adventure Attractions. This subcommittee in turn has recommendations of this technical committee.
individual task groups working on developing standards The Subcommittee F24.61 Adventure Attractions group
for even more specific products or activities, such as aerial met in October 2017 and is now updating the F2959 – 16
adventure courses, which includes zip lines and ropes courses. Standard Practice for Aerial Adventure Courses standard
Standards development is a notoriously slow process. The for use with zip lines and aerial adventure courses, such as
F27.50 Shop Practices Standards for Retail and Rental took a ropes course. Many of the designers and builders were
more than 14 years to complete, and the Winter Sports Helmet present during these meetings. An updated standard for
Standard took eight years. However, once a standard is approved, these particular activities is expected to be balloted soon
updates can and do happen more quickly—often within a year. and released in spring 2018. The standard will include
Because different standards are in various stages of development, particulars related to the ride analysis to be conducted before
and because of their potential impact on resorts, NSAA regularly starting any design work; the design and build process;
monitors activity within ASTM and actively participates in the and materials, operations, maintenance, and inspections.
three main committees listed here. Following are brief updates Also, this group will begin working toward incorporating
relative to each committee and particular subcommittees. via ferrata courses into the F2959 – 16 standard as well as
evaluating how to address bungee jumping activities.
Committee F08 on Sports Equipment, The Subcommittee F24.70 on Water Related
Playing Surfaces, and Facilities Amusement Rides and Devices is in the process of updating
The Subcommittee F08.12 Gymnastics and Wrestling the F2376 – 13 Standard Practice for Classification, Design,
Equipment was working earlier this year on a proposed Manufacture, Construction, and Operation of Water Slide
outdoor wall padding standard that incorporated a UV Systems to incorporate newer design requirements found in