Page 34 - APPD- Something's_Brewing_March/April'23
P. 34

Jonathon recently led 30 businesses to Japan to   Tregothnan is also preparing to celebrate 700 years of the

         discover opportunities and says the future for   same family ownership and can think of no better beverage
         British tea experiences is enormous.             to work on than tea, the world’s number-one drink!

         Jones says, "Focus on the tea and how to delight  Part of the plans includes opening more Tregothnan tea
         the customer, but always keep it simple".        gardens every year as part of the international tea

                                                          experienceVisits to Europe’s largest tea gardens are free to
         Tregothnan is working on packages for the
                                                          BSA members, by appointment.
         greatest hotel openings in the world and believes

         tea is finally being recognised by all the right  Also, stockists benefit from preferential access to
         people, including accountants who love that the  Tregothnan guest accommodation nestled in the tea
         margin is so much greater than coffee!           garden.

                                                                      MARCH/APRIL 2023 | ISSUE 29
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