Page 29 - APPD- Something's_Brewing_March/April'23
P. 29

Tea Service

          If  you  are  going  to  serve  leaf  tea  do  not  stint  on  the  equipment  required  to  make  the  tea  special.  Use  good
         china for teapots, cups, saucers, milk jugs and sugar bowls.

         Also invest in stainless steel strainers and timers too. Consider working with many of the Associations involved
         in the education of leaf tea. See the Directory listing.
         How Long Should I Brew?

          As a rule, more robust teas reach the best      Jones from Tregothnan says “Focus on the tea and how to
         strength between 3–5 minutes' infusing,         delight the customer, but always keep it simple”. Pogson

         while delicate teas like Darjeeling, white and  adds, “Serving tea out of home should be an experience for
         green teas should only be infused for around    the customer. Therefore, use great leaf tea, quality china
         2–3 minutes.                                    and know your products”.

                        Tea Type                   Water Temperature           Steeping Time

                        Large leaf black tea             100 Degrees              3 - 5 minutes

                        Fine leaf black tea               90 Degrees              3 - 5 minutes

                        Green tea                         80 Degrees              2 - 3 minutes

                        White/yellow tea                  80 Degrees              2 - 3 minutes                       MARCH/APRIL 2023 | ISSUE 29

                        Fruit & herbal infusions         100 Degrees              3 - 5 minutes

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