Page 14 - BSA's Something's Brewing - May 2021
P. 14

Page 14                                               

                                                                                           MAY. 2021 | VOL. 17

       Installing a water dispenser can greatly help to          The EAP is ideal for wheelchair users as it
       achieve these targets, not only by discouraging           enables safe access to drinking water,

       the use of single-use plastics, but also reducing         without having to reach over the
       carbon emissions by eliminating the need to               dispenser or hot water point.
       ship, store and refrigerate plastic bottles. The
       natural coolant within BRITA VIVREAU water                Boosting morale post-lockdown
       dispensers is extremely efficient and means               Installing high quality facilities like the
       that organisations can rely on mains water,               BRITA VIVREAU Top water dispenser in a
       while still offering their staff great-tasting            workplace can help smooth the transition

       chilled, sparkling or hot water.                          from the home-working environment.
                                                                 Providing top-quality hot and cold

                                                                 beverages on demand means
                                                                 organisations can take steps to boost the
                                                                 motivation and productivity of staff,
                                                                 something which is going to be key as we
                                                                 move out of lockdown.

       With BRITA VIVREAU’s own research revealing
       that four out of 5 under 40s would stay at a
       company longer if it reported back on how it
       lowers its impact on the environment, a water
       dispenser offers an easy win for companies
       which are focused on recruiting and retaining             Find out more about how a hygienic,
       talented staff.                                           safe and sustainable water dispenser

                                                                 can assist your workplace by heading
       Catering for all                                          to the BRITA VIVREAU Top product
       After so long spent working in the comfort of             page, or visit:
       their own home, many office workers will need
       a little convincing to return to their workspace.
       Research has shown a third of office workers

       are looking for better amenities and kitchen
       spaces, and companies should be mindful that                If you would like to discuss a BRITA
       these amenities are suitable for all of their                VIVREAU water dispenser further
       employees.                                                  contact the Dispenser Customer

                                                                   Service Team on 034567 496 555 or
       The BRITA VIVREAU Top is available with an        
       Easy Access Panel. An additional control unit

       that can be positioned at a lower point, either
       flat to a surface or on an angle.
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