Page 13 - BSA's Something's Brewing - July 2021
P. 13

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                                                                                          JULY. 2021 | VOL. 19

       Problems such as leaf rust (or ‘la roya’) have             However, behind the headlines, the reality is

       affected over 50% of the coffee growing area in            that coffee farmers in countries like El
       Central America, with some individual counties             Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras face
       facing devastating effects. In El Salvador, 70% of         internal displacement, a turbulent political
       the coffee harvest was destroyed as a result of            situation, devastation from hurricanes in
       crop disease in 2014.                                      2020, and increased gang violence.

       Worse still, changing temperatures have had a              It is little wonder that so many people attempt
       detrimental effect on crops around the world.              to cross the border, many of whom will
       Because the crop is so sensitive to changes to             attempt to join family members who have
       levels of precipitation and temperature, even an           already made the journey.
       increase of two degree Celsius can put a farmer
       out of business.                                           Clearly, coffee is extremely valuable not just
                                                                  as a product, but as a means by which
       Reports on the future impact of climate change             millions of people in disadvantaged areas can

       on the coffee crop are mostly alarming in nature.          escape poverty. The devastation of this crop
       One study found that up to 50% of the farmland             should indeed concern us all.
       used for growing coffee worldwide could be
       unusable by 2050.                                          Solutions for industry stakeholders
                                                                  Although the situation does seem dire, there
       There are 124 coffee crop species in existence, of         are many stakeholders working towards
       which Arabica and Robusta are the two most                 solutions.
       popular. A recent study based on two decades of
       research has shown that up to 60% of wild coffee           Some farmers have moved to adopt more
       species are at risk of extinction.                         robust crops that are resistant to both crop-
                                                                  damaging insects and the effects of climate
       Displacement of coffee farmers and families                change.

                                                                  Major industry names like Starbucks and
                                                                  Illycaffè have increased research and
                                                                  development activities in critical areas with an
                                                                  eye on the coming climate crisis.

                                                                  It will be important to remain up to date on
                                                                  this evolving situation so that all industry
                                                                  stakeholders can continue to enjoy the
                                                                  benefits of this industry.

                                                                  Aileen Bowe is a writer and correspondent for
       Unfortunately, climate change seems likely to              the Immigration Advice Service, an
       contribute to major challenges in the future,              organisation of immigration solicitors that
       especially in relation to coffee production.               provides legal aid to forcibly displaced

       The migration of people from Central and South
       America to the United States has been well
       documented in the news headlines.
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