Page 17 - BSA's Something's Brewing - July 2021
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Page 16                                             

                                                                                          JULY. 2021 | VOL. 19

                            Exploring Chinese tea

        Black and Pu’erh tea are both Chinese teas              Dark tea
        which have distinctive characteristics. It is           Dark teas are post-manufacture
        important to explore these in more detail to            fermented teas. The best known is Pu-

        learn about them in depth.                              erh which is produced in Yunnan
        Black tea (‘hong cha’, red tea) is today widely         Pu’erh tea is produced from a green tea
        produced and drunk tea in Chinese culture               made from the large leafed Assamica

        and is also popular around the World.                   varietal of the tea plant which grows
                                                                native to Yunnan (and in Assam, Laos,
                                                                Vietnam, etc).

                                                                To make the base green tea, the leaves
                                                                are withered, panned, rolled and sun-
                                                                dried. This green tea, known as Maocha

                                                                (raw or rough tea) is then microbially
                                                                fermented. The microbes are naturally in
                                                                the tea because of where the tea bushes
                              (photo credit: Jack Kennard)
                                                                grow in the forested sub-tropical foothills
        The tea leaves are wilted, rolled or cut, and           of the Himalayas in Yunnan.

        allowed to oxidize fully until they turn black,
        then dried. The process helps give the tea its          There are two types of Pu’erh tea
        red colour, bold, nutty taste, and deep                 The original traditional type (called
        aroma.                                                  ‘Sheng’ or raw Pu’erh) is made as follows:

        The Chinese specialty Gongfu black tea is               The Maocha is slightly dampened,
        one of the most important representations               compressed into cakes and aged for a

        of black tea. The Chinese value black tea               minimum of 7 - 10 years and often
        because of what they understand as its                  longer. As the tea ages, the microbial
        potential health effects such as increasing             fermentation that takes place in the tea
        appetite, eliminating water from the body,              changes the colour, aroma, flavour, and
        boosting heart health and reducing blood                chemical composition of the tea.

        pressure sugar, and cholesterol.
                                                                Young raw Pu’erh tastes green and
        We all have tasted black tea, but if you want           grassy; aged raw Pu’erhs are sweet and

        to try a traditional Chinese one, you can               honeyed the longer the tea is aged, the
        order some Yunnan Gongfu Black Tea from                 sweeter it becomes.
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