Page 16 - BSA's Something's Brewing - July 2021
P. 16

Page  15                                              

                                                                                          JULY. 2021 | VOL. 19

        However, the impetus to install La Reale             Rinaldo also extols the virtues of La Reale
        was driven by more than just the                     when in use. “We find that it’s very easy to
        aesthetics; a strong visual appeal is                operate, and the steam wands give a really
        matched by the machine’s performance,                good quality to the milk foam. The interface

        too. Rinaldo explains: “The looks are                on the group head is especially user-friendly
        important, but this is matched by the fact           and it’s easy to clean and to empty the drip
        that La Reale is extremely economical too.           tray. These are important considerations
        We have also noticed how quickly it gets             when you are running a busy outlet.
        up to temperature. In eco mode, it takes             Anything that detracts from being able to
        just seconds to warm up, whereas it’s not            serve customers quickly and efficiently

        unusual for other machines to take 20                would not be welcome, but we don’t have
        minutes, or even longer on occasion.”                any of these concerns now that we have La
                                                             Reale installed.”

                                                               To find out more visit:

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