Page 12 - BSA's Something's Brewing - July 2021
P. 12

Page 11                                               

                                                                                          JULY. 2021 | VOL. 19

                      What’s the connection between climate change
                            and the displacement of coffee farmers?

        The coffee industry can be a lucrative business for      Because the coffee crop must be grown at
        some, but rarely does this apply to those on the         high altitudes in specific climate,

        first rung of the supply chain– coffee farmers           temperature and soil conditions, growers
        themselves.                                              have no choice but to live in inhospitable
                                                                 climates. Many famers live with their
                                                                 families in poorly constructed homes that
                                                                 do not provide adequate shelter or
                                                                 sanitation facilities.

                                                                 One of the reasons why small-scale coffee
                                                                 producers face disadvantage is due to the
                                                                 international coffee market and the
                                                                 changing price of coffee.

                                                                 Coffee is an important commodity that is
                                                                 traded in commodity markets and
        According to the Fairtrade Foundation, there are
        approximately 25 million smallholder coffee              exchange-traded funds. However, it is
                                                                 because of this that the prices can
        farmers around the world in areas
        predominantly along the ‘Coffee Belt’ (primarily         negatively impact farmers through no fault
                                                                 of their own.
        equatorial regions, including Brazil, Colombia,
        Ecuador, Ethiopia, and Indonesia). Over 90% of           To produce a profitable harvest, a coffee
        coffee production comes from developing
        countries and the majority of coffee                     farmer must invest in tools, labour, land,
                                                                 and machinery. If the price of coffee falls for
        consumption takes place in more developed
        countries.                                               reasons unrelated to producers, this means
                                                                 that farmers may end up only breaking even
                                                                 on their investment costs, or in the worst-
        Although figures vary widely, these smallholder
        farmers produce around 80% of the world’s                case scenarios, they may go into debt.
        coffee. Despite their work in difficult and
        sometimes dangerous conditions, many coffee              This has resulted in a situation where
        farmers today live in poverty, and the situation is      farmers have taken the extreme measure of
        only getting worse due to climate change, the            abandoning their farmlands as a result.

        displacement of workers, COVID-19, and the
        fluctuating price of coffee.                             The real concern of climate change
                                                                 Even with the difficulties posed by unstable
                                                                 coffee prices, one of the most pressing
        Issues facing coffee farmers
        Many coffee farmers live in poverty, despite             concerns for famers is the issue of climate
        being key stakeholders in a multibillion-pound           change.
        industry. Studies have found that many farmers
        live below the international poverty line.
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