Page 22 - SBrewing(Jan_Feb2022)
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                                                                    JANUARY / FEBRUARY . 2022 | VOL.23

                                   WaterCare Recycling

        Following WaterCare’s extensive work to
        reduce plastic waste, last year they were
        thrilled to announce that they received

        the Most Sustainable Company award in
        the Water Treatment Technology
        Industry from World Finance

        Magazine. Since 2007, World Finance, an
        acclaimed magazine that provides
        coverage and analysis of the financial

        industry and global economy, has
         celebrated achievement, innovation and
        brilliance in its annual awards.

                                                              “Sustainability is deeply embedded in
        “In particular, the judges acknowledged               WaterCare’s DNA and the company is

        European WaterCare’s Refill Technology                proud to see its efforts recognised with
        impact on making its product                          this prize amongst giants of the world
        recyclable and increase the company                   market such as Nespresso and Coors.”,
        roadmap to the circular economy,                      says Steve Slark, Managing Director.

        elimination of the single-use of filters,             “Thanks to the ecological character of
        policy to replace unrecyclable plastic                our products, as well as the contribution

        materials, carbon footprint reduction,                to the recycling of plastics, European
        increasing energy efficiency when                     WaterCare stands out and continues its
        making the final decision on who the                  innovative work with the aim of reducing

        winner is.” explained Monika Wojcik,                  and recycling plastic materials in
        Head of Special Projects at the World                 the field of water treatment.”
        Finance Magazine.

                                                               Get involved and make a difference by
                                                              sending your unwanted filters back to
                                                              WaterCare! Free collection is available

                                                              depending on location and volume – to
                                                              find out more, call 01279 780250 or

                                                                           Tel: 01279 780250
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