Page 24 - SBrewing(Jan_Feb2022)
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                                                                    JANUARY / FEBRUARY . 2022 | VOL.23

          To tackle this, a water filter can be fitted to        Using the right water filter and
          hot beverage equipment to optimise the                 exchanging it on time helps to keep
          establishment’s water supply and help                  beverage equipment in peak condition,

          operators serve high-quality beverages time            helping operators to ensure a smooth
          and time again.                                        service and make significant time and
                                                                 money savings in the long run.

          This process helps to remove unwanted
          particles, metals, minerals, and chlorine,             It’s also important to note that there’s no
          which negatively affect the taste,                     one-size-fits-all filter, as water quality and
          appearance, and aroma of teas, coffees, and            mineral content can vary drastically
          other hot                                              between regions, and even from street to

          beverages. This includes the elimination of            street. The first step for café operators in
          limescale. Not only does limescale affect the          choosing the right filter for their
          taste of the drink itself, but it can also be          equipment is to understand the particular

          damaging to equipment; if limescale builds             characteristics of their water supply,
          inside the machine, it can cause expensive             followed by the best filter to achieve a
          breakdowns further down the line. Not to               consistency of taste.
          mention the fact that limited efficiency can
          cause a huge drain on profit margins over              BRITA’s Managed Services offers bespoke

          time.                                                  packages to help with all aspects of water
                                                                 filtration, from water testing and advising
          Using the right water filter and exchanging it         on the correct filter, to monitoring its use

          on time helps to keep beverage equipment               and arranging specialist engineers to
          in peak condition, helping operators to                carry out exchanges at the right time.
          ensure a smooth service and make                       These simple steps can allow operators to
          significant time and money savings in the              rely on their equipment to deliver great
          long run.                                              tasting tea, time and time again.

                                                                      To find out more, please contact:

                                                                      BRITA Professional: 0844 742 4940



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