Page 19 - SBrewing(Jan_Feb2022)
P. 19


                                                                     JANUARY / FEBRUARY . 2022 | VOL.23

                           Choosing a Coffee Machine for a

                                       Post-Pandemic World

         The coffee market in the UK continues to             For the barista and coffee shop owner,
         boom. Despite the impact of the Covid                who take pride in their product and their
         pandemic during 2020, and a slightly stop-           art, it’s important to choose a coffee
         start recovery, current predictions are of           machine that can take centre stage. An

         coffee shop sales returning to near pre-             attractively designed machine on the
         pandemic levels in coming months.                    counter is
         Changing habits have led to an uptick in             highly visible to customers, adding to the
         takeaway and delivered coffee, and a                 overall visual appeal, and if this is

         preference for frequenting the local                 combined with an ergonomic layout, it will
         neighbourhood coffee shop, rather than               also help baristas with the physical
         city centre locations. However, what hasn’t          demands of brewing coffee and steaming
         changed in recent times is consumer                  milk during a

         demand for premium coffee.                           busy shift. For busy locations, ensuring the
                                                              machine can withstand the rigours of a
         And central to the art of creating amazing           long queue and a demanding service are
         coffee is the coffee machine itself. This            critical.

         gleaming, sculptural piece of equipment is
         fundamental to the quality of the drink,             Choosing Gaggia Milano as your preferred
         and provides the backdrop for baristas to            brand gives any coffee shop owner options
         create their art. The choice of machine              to suit any location. For smaller sites, why

         adds to the coffee shop’s ambience and               not consider the one or two group La
         enhances the overall consumer                        Nera? If space isn’t an issue, then La Reale
         experience. The theatre of coffee making,            might be the right machine for you. Or why
         including the sights, smells and sounds              not consider the striking red of La Precisa?

         created by the machine help to bring
         consumers back time after time.
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