Page 14 - SBrewing(Jan_Feb2022)
P. 14

Page 14                                               

                                                                     JANUARY / FEBRUARY . 2022 | VOL.23

         Espresso machines: learning from the past and

                                   building for the future.

        The company has successfully grown from
        these humble roots to become a large and
        successful espresso machine manufacturer
        supplying not just UK foodservice but exporting
        to over seventy countries around the world.
        In a speech on exporting and growth in

        November 2011, British Prime Minister David
        Cameron exclaimed:  “Amazing! It’s not just the
        film industry where Britain is excelling – Fracino
        in Birmingham is selling coffee-makers to Italy!”
        He then went on to install a Fracino espresso
        machine at Number 10!
                                                               Style and substance are developed in
                                                               harmony, never at the cost of performance,
        The advent of speciality coffee and the third,         reliability or practicality. An espresso engineer
        fourth and fifth wave of coffee shops and              can remove any panel on a Fracino machine
        passionate baristas have led to the deeper             in the field in seconds - an approach that
        understanding of the science of espresso               saves time and money and runs through their
        coffee and how commercial machines can                 finely tuned thinking and rigorous
        support that quality the roaster hopes to              development process. At the largest
        emulate in coffee shops across the UK.
                                                               international coffee shows, you will always see
                                                               new coffee machine technology but it’s
        One thing that has not changed at Fracino is           important for catering buyers to honestly ask;
        the highly skilled mechanical engineering that
        drives the business. Coupled with a continual              Is it really necessary?

        reinvestment of profits, the technology used in            Will it always work?
        the factory is truly cutting edge. There are few           If it does break can I get the skills and
        parts that do not first cross the doorway as raw           parts to fix it quickly?
        materials. Computer-controlled laser systems               Will it make my coffee taste better?
        cut out the panel shapes from sheets of quality            How will it help me make more money
        stainless steel and robots weld them, computer             and drive my bottom line?
        controlled systems manage the production of
        the copper tubes, which are cut, formed into
        their final shapes and flanged. Brass fittings and
        components are machined and threads are cut
        by computerised lathes, metal is shaped and
        formed on huge presses and boilers are rolled
        from copper sheet and welded by robots and

        the fittings brazed by highly skilled engineers.
        All on site.
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