Page 13 - SBrewing(Jan_Feb2022)
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Espresso machines: learning from the past and
building for the future.
Coffee shops have weathered the challenges of the
last few years well and have adapted their offers to
survive. With perhaps the exceptions of the city
centre office reliant locations, footfall is returning
and the buzz of people and caffeine is a pleasant
return to normality. Where the customer base is
transient, mobile coffee businesses, using all sorts
of creative trikes and vans have flourished.
We’ve also seen the UK roasting community, whose He was a great inventor but not a marketeer and
reliance on foodservice clients was scarily high, find it was Gaggia who managed to both do away with
new direct home consumers and thus weather the the huge boilers and increase pressure from 2 bar
COVID-19 storm particularly well. to nearly 10 bar to produce the crema we
associate with espresso today.
Really at the heart of any coffee shop is the skill,
passion and artistry deployed by the barista to take You might think thus far that the Italians are
the roaster’s coffee beans and turn them into a leading this tale so far and you’d be right. This
drink that delights. A drink that delivers the full taste changed along with space travel, music, youth
experience created by the knowledge and expertise culture and fashion in the swinging sixties!
of the roaster, providing lasting pleasure to the
consumer in the cup, with style, quality, taste, visual The story began in 1962 when British machine
appeal and perceived value for money. tool designer Frank Maxwell – now hailed as ‘the
godfather of espresso’ - stripped down a second-
hand coffee machine bought on a family holiday in
Italy. A year later Frank launched the business in
his garden shed and started importing and
supplying coffee machines to retail outlets in
Britain. In 1990 this business became known as
Fracino (a quirky combination of Frank and
The company has successfully grown from these
humble roots to become a large and successful
espresso machine manufacturer supplying not
just UK food service but exporting to over seventy
If the barista is the human heart of that process countries around the world.
then for sure the espresso machine is the
mechanical one! Since Italian Achille Gaggia first In a speech on exporting and growth in November
patented his pressurised coffee machine in 1938, 2011, British Prime Minister David Cameron
we’ve seen a constant development of traditional exclaimed: “Amazing! It’s not just the film industry
espresso machines around the world. Although where Britain is excelling – Fracino in Birmingham
often referred to as the first espresso machine, it’s is selling coffee-makers to Italy!” He then went on
worth noting that even further back in time in 1884 to install a Fracino espresso machine at Number
Angelo Moriondo successfully patented the first 10!
steam-powered ‘espresso machine’.