Page 11 - SBrewing(Jan_Feb2022)
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                                                                     JANUARY / FEBRUARY . 2022 | VOL.23

            A BWT Water+More Guide to understanding

                                           Water Filtration

        Running costs: The other side of the business          Understanding your local water and your needs is
        argument is frequently the cost of the                 a good starting point and allows our
        filtration you choose. Both initial and ongoing costs  specialists to evaluate the best technologies and
        are important; Cost must be one of the                 products to suit your needs. Whether you
        parameters defining the right products for your        need to address the water itself, its composition,
        needs. Talking to BWT Water + More is free,            the ease with which a spent cartridge can be
        and their advice could be invaluable in selecting the  replaced, or how best to utilise your available
        right products and services for your                   space then BWT can help; call us today and let us
        business.                                              identify the right filtration solution for you.

        Choosing the right partner: Before trying to
        choose the right filter, it is important to select a
        partner that you can trust. One that will listen to
        your needs, work to understand your                          Join the BWT Bottle Free Challenge!
        business and provide a solution that is affordable,
        sustainable and will work. At BWT we have worked       We‘re famous for our water for coffee, did you
        with Baristas and catering businesses all over the     know we‘re also one of the largest water
        world and this has given us a unique and probably      cooler companies in the UK? We‘re inviting you to
        an unrivalled insight into what works and why. As      join us in changing the world sip by sip
        part of one of                                         with our fantastic bottle free challenge, to kick
        Europe’s leading water technology organisations,       single-use plastic bottles out of our industry!
        our Water and More team have access to a wide          To support this we‘re even giving away 10 AQA
        range of products, and the leading water treatment     drink Pro 20 Water Dispensers.*
        technologies. This helps to ensure that the solutions
        they provide are perfect for your coffee, business,    It is no longer necessary to transport water
        customers, and pocket.                                 around in single-use bottles when here at BWT we
                                                               have the technology to filter and mineralize your
        Choosing the right filtration solutions doesn’t        water onsite. Finally, you can give customers the
        necessarily mean you have to make a                    healthy option they‘re looking for from your own
        choice of which type of filter to use. If you have     BWT water dispenser utilising our very own
        chosen the right partner, then choosing the            sophisticated filtration system that dispenses
        right product becomes the easy part. Companies         Magnesium Mineralized Water however they’d like
        like BWT will listen to you and work with you to       it, ambient, chilled or sparkling.
        identify what is important, what is a ‘must have’, and
        what is simply ‘nice’ to have.                         To secure one of these 10 Water Dispensers, send
                                                               a message to
        Flavour, protection, less maintenance, ease of use,    with 5 reasons how an AQA drink Pro 20 will help
        convenience and of course value for                    you achieve your sustainability goals.
        money are just some of the common requirements
        customers need to prioritise.
                                                               *Email us for full T&Cs. BWT reserves the right to withdraw or
                                                                amend this offer, to add or remove qualifying products and
                                                                             services at any time. E&OE.
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