Page 9 - SBrewing(Jan_Feb2022)
P. 9

Page 9                                                

                                                                     JANUARY / FEBRUARY . 2022 | VOL.23

             What’s happening to our coffee prices?

         Another common fee is called detention. If            here just aren’t enough truckers in the UK
         the warehouse delivers an empty                       right now. One company that we’ve known
         container back to the terminal later than             for years, a family-owned haulage

         an allotted time window (often six to nine            company now run by the next generation,
         days), we incur a detention charge.                   just let us know that they’re selling the
                                                               business. They said it’s too hard to keep

         3) Handling fees                                      up right now, between the prices, the
                                                               difficulties at the ports, finding and
         Over the last year, the ports & the                   keeping drivers. It’s too much.
         warehouses have increased their handling

         storage fees. How do they explain this?               Why is it so hard to find workers?
         They’re paying overtime, to try and
         address the congestion. They also have to             I’m hearing that people are afraid to go
         pay more to attract new employees and                 back to work. They’re also finding jobs that

         offer better benefits packages. Unloading             are easier, especially the drivers. The ports
         containers is difficult work — it’s physically        are so congested — they don’t want to go
         tough, with many challenges.                          wait for days for a container to become
                                                               available and risk leaving empty-handed,

         Consider, too, that coffee in Grain Pro and           in which case they don’t make money.”
         comparable materials can’t be hooked
         and moved quickly. Teams are needed to                In summary
         move these coffees.

                                                               The current situation is a combination of
         At the warehouses, people are deciding to             all of this and more. Customs and
         find other types of work.                             damages are additional rabbit holes, and
                                                               the C market is also near 10-year-highs.

         4) Transport fees                                     This is a nationwide problem and will
                                                               continue to be an issue this year. This is
         Transport companies are struggling to find            how it’s going to be — not just with coffee
         and keep workers, as well as with the                 but with everything in our lives.

         frustrations of the situation, and to cope
         they’ve been raising their prices.

         The situation is stressful around the all

         parts of the UK, where the amount of
         freight is up and the number of drivers is                                     InterAmerica  Coffee  London
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