Page 226 - MY STORY
P. 226

agencies of the Department of Defense, helped  capture

            numerous  competitive  R&D  contracts,  continued  to
            improve  the  computational  capabilities  of  an
            electromagnetics design program he was instrumental in

            creating at MDRL, provided highly trained analysts, and
            was highly respected by his team.  He was considered a
            “National  Asset”  by  many  in  the  US  Government  and

            industry in the field of computational electromagnetics.

            My problem was that he was doing exactly 1) what we

            expected of him and 2) what we were paying him to do.
            So,  based  on  his  high  compensation  and  position  as  a

            leader in our organization, I presented Lou with our filled
            out appraisal form marked with a broad rating of “meets
            expectations.”  He  was  pretty  darned  well  puzzled,
            concerned, and felt that I had fundamentally denigrated

            him in some major way because I did not provide him the
            honored  mantle  of  “exceeding  expectations”  to  be

            inserted in his record.

            My explanations of how we established that rating based

            on  our  expectations  of  superior  performance  with  his
            assignment  and  pay  scale  did  nothing  to  assuage  his
            concern over that piece of paper going into his record, and

            his perception that maybe I was “underwhelmed” by his
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