Page 11 - Winterling's Chasing the Wind
P. 11
As a young man, my father, Otto Gustav
Winterling, taught manual training (shop) at
nearby Barnegat High School. He and a fellow
teacher, Harry Allen, had a speedboat powered by
a Ford V-8 engine that he took me and my brother,
Richard, for rides on the Toms River.
Harry and my father would spend their summers
traveling and fishing. My father loved fly-fishing.
He used a long flexible pole that had a line that
allowed him to swirl an insect-looking bait above
the water. When the lure struck the water, the trout
would charge at it.
I remember one summer when he brought back
movies of his trip to California, showing pictures of Old Faithful at Yellowstone
National Park and of himself and Harry being dwarfed by a giant Redwood tree. I
remember one picture of the huge Sequoia that had a tunnel carved through its base that
was large enough to drive a car through.