Page 13 - Winterling's Chasing the Wind
P. 13

I  was about  three  years  old  when  I  tried to  walk
                                                     around my grandfather's gas station with my eyes
                                                     closed.  I  only  made  it  halfway  around  when  I
                                                     suddenly tripped on the rim of the oil pit which cars
                                                     drove over to have their oil changed. I tumbled into
                                                     the pit, landing head first into a tub of crankcase oil.
                                                     I scrambled up the concrete steps, crying as I ran to
                                                     my grandfather. My mother shortly was trying to
                                                     remove my blackened complexion by giving me a
                                                     thorough scrubbing in the bathtub. Not long after
                                                     that,  I  explored  our  medicine  cabinet  and
                                                     discovered the most delicious chocolate candy.

                   I couldn’t hide from my mother the fact I had eaten all of it. It was the laxative, Ex-Lax.
                   That was one time I was thoroughly clean, inside and out!

                   One day, I got a shovel and proceeded to dig a hole as deep as I could because I wanted
                   to see China! That was the hot summer day that my family laughingly remembers. At
                   dinner time they were all surprised when I got up from the dinner table and ran in
                   circles around the kitchen. My grandfather later learned from his bartender that several
                   times that afternoon I had been spotted going behind the bar a couple of times to the
                   beer tap, pouring myself a swig of the brew. Behind the house, between the bar and the
                   cabins, was an old Model A or Model T truck. It had a belt attached to the rear wheel
                   that was probably attached to a saw for cutting lumber. We didn’t pay much attention to
                   the rear of the truck, but it was just perfect for Richard and me to climb up into the front
                   seat to take turns sitting behind the steering wheel, pretending that we were driving.

                   We  loved  to  visit  our  other  grandparents’  farm  in  Mayetta.  One  of  the  most
                   unforgettable sights was watching my mother’s mother, Mamie Cranmer, whom we
                   called Me-mom select a chicken for Sunday dinner. She would select a plump chicken,
                   lay its head on an old tree stump, and chop its head off. I know she got a kick out of
                   watching us laugh our heads off as the headless chicken running around the yard. One
                   day Richard discovered that roosters were not friendly. He got pecked a few times as
                   the rooster charged him.

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