Page 508 - swanns-way
P. 508

fragment of the glass wall of his aquarium, a part intended
         to suggest the whole which recalled to Swann, a fervent ad-
         mirer of Giotto’s Vices and Virtues at Padua, that Injustice
         by whose side a leafy bough evokes the idea of the forests
         that enshroud his secret lair.
            Swann had gone forward into the room, under pressure
         from Mme. de Saint-Euverte and in order to listen to an aria
         from Orfeo which was being rendered on the flute, and had
         taken up a position in a corner from which, unfortunately,
         his horizon was bounded by two ladies of ‘uncertain’ age,
         seated side by side, the Marquise de Cambremer and the
         Vicomtesse de Franquetot, who, because they were cousins,
         used to spend their time at parties in wandering through the
         rooms, each clutching her bag and followed by her daughter,
         hunting for one another like people at a railway station, and
         could never be at rest until they had reserved, by marking
         them with their fans or handkerchiefs, two adjacent chairs;
         Mme. de Cambremer, since she knew scarcely anyone, being
         all the more glad of a companion, while Mme. de Franque-
         tot, who, on the contrary, was extremely popular, thought
         it effective and original to shew all her fine friends that she
         preferred to their company that of an obscure country cous-
         in with whom she had childish memories in common. Filled
         with ironical melancholy, Swann watched them as they lis-
         tened to the pianoforte inter, mezzo (Liszt’s ‘Saint Francis
         preaching to the birds’) which came after the flute, and fol-
         lowed the virtuoso in his dizzy flight; Mme. de Franquetot
         anxiously, her eyes starting from her head, as though the
         keys over which his fingers skipped with such agility were

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