Page 152 - Microsoft Word - 2_Inch_Drain_Adapter_PDS_2016_01_05
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                                        DURO-CAULK  PLUS

            DESCRIPTION:                                          4.  Tool the sealant to create a
            Duro-Caulk  Plus is a one-component, non-sag,            concave joint shape to shed
                                                                     water and ensure maximum
            elastomeric, neutral-cure silicone sealant. It is        adhesion and coverage. Dry
            available in white, gray, tan and bronze colors. Duro-   tooling is recommended.
            Caulk Plus is formulated for use with all Duro-Last ®    DO NOT use soapy water
            roofing system details that require sealant.
                                                                     or other liquids when
            Duro-Caulk Plus is unaffected by most atmospheric        tooling.
            conditions and will typically cure within 48 hours. It is   5.  Sealant may be applied
            formulated to bond to substrates such as PVC,            below freezing
            glass, aluminum, steel, plastic, ceramics, concretes,    temperatures.
            and wood. Its high-tack properties ensure a weather-
            tight seal around penetrations, terminations and      6.  Product will skin over within
            drain inserts.                                           20 minutes of application.
                                                                     The time may vary
            ORDERING:                                                depending on humidity and
                                                                     temperature at the time of
            Duro-Caulk Plus is supplied in 10.1-ounce cartridges     application.
            and can be ordered individually or in cases of 30.
            One cartridge will cover approximately 18 to 20       STANDARDS:
            linear feet.
                                                                  This product conforms with the
            STORAGE AND HANDLING                                  following requirements and
                                                                  standards: ASTM C-920, Type
            1.  Duro-Caulk Plus has a 12-month shelf life from    S, Grade NS, Class 25, Use
               the date of manufacture printed on the cartridge.
                                                                  NT, T, M, G, A, O: TT-2-
                                                                  00230C, Type II, Class A; TT-
                                                                  S-001543A, Class A; CAN-
            1.  Read Safety Data Sheets (SDS) prior to using.     19.13-M87, AAMA 802.3 Type I
                                                                  & II, AAMA 803.3 Type I,AAMA
            2.  Wear proper personal protective equipment, such   805.2, AAMA 808.3 and
               as gloves and eye protection, per the SDS.         California Air Resources Board
            3.  Keep away from children.                          2003 requirements for Volatile
                                                                  Organic Compound content.
            1. Limitations                                                  DURO-CAULK PLUS PROPERTIES

               a.  Apply to clean, dry surfaces free of           Sag resistance        Non-sagging   ASTM D2202
                  contaminants (oils, greases, coatings, etc.)    Bond durability to glass,
                  that can adversely affect adhesion.             aluminum and concrete    ±25%       ASTM C793
               b.  Do not apply to surfaces that bleed oils or    Movement capability      ±25%       ASTM C719
                                                                  Tensile strength        300 psi     ASTM D412
               c.  Product is not paintable.
                                                                  Elongation at break      325        ASTM D412
            2.  Apply using a standard caulking gun. Do not
               open the cartridge until you are ready to apply    Hardness, Shore A        35 ±5      ASTM C661
               the sealant.                                                                              QUV
                                                                  Accelerated weathering   No change
            3.  Apply the sealant using consistent, positive                                         Weatherometer
               pressure to force sealant into the joint, creating a   Tack-free time     10 minutes   ASTM C679
               bead approximately 3/8 inch (9.53 mm) in

                                1 of 1                                 800-248-0280
                                    Duro-Last, Duro-Caulk and “World’s Best Roof” are registered marks owned by Duro-Last, Inc.
                                                  Created: 01/01/2009 Revised: 07/16/2014
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