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            DETERMINING BEAD SPACING:                            8.  Do not use on any roof deck that shows signs of
            1.  Apply Board-Max per the “Directions for Use”        deterioration or loss of integrity.
               section.                                          9.  Do not use on excessively dirty or grease laden
            2.  For any project located in an area with the design   surfaces.
               wind speed greater than 110 mph or a roof deck    10. Do not use after expiration date.
               height greater than 60 feet, the Duro-Last
               Engineering Services Department must determine    STORAGE AND HANDLING:
               the bead spacing pattern to be used. Otherwise,   1.  The “A” and “B” containers should be stored
               use the guidelines below.                            between 60 and 90° F (16 – 32° C). The shelf life
            3.  The spacing between beads of Board-Max is less      at these temperatures is 12 months from the date
               in the perimeter area of the roof than in the main   of production.
               field area to compensate for higher wind uplift   2.  Follow instructions on the “A” and “B” boxes for
               pressures.                                           overnight and longer term storage.
            4.  The width of the perimeter area is defined as the
               lesser of either 40% of the building eave height or      TABLE 1. TYPICAL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES   1
               10% of the lesser roof plan dimension, but in no      Product       A  –  Component    B – Component
               case less than 6 feet. The remainder of the roof is     Base          Polymeric     Polyols, Catalysts,
               the field area.                                                       Isocyanate      Surfactants
                                                                   Blowing Agent       134a             134a
               a.  Perimeter area: apply beads 6 inches on
                 center.                                           Physical Form       Liquid          Liquid
               b.  Field area: apply beads 12 inches on center.   Net Weight (tank)   44.0 lbs.       44.0 lbs.
                                                                   Specific Gravity
            5.  Use the bead spacing above for all layers to be                         1.2        No data available
               applied with Board-Max.                              (77° F/25° C)
                                                                       Color       Amber to Brown   Amber to Brown
            6.  Refer to Table 2 for the estimated coverage per
               each A/B Tank Kit based on bead spacing.            Volatile Organic    0 g/L            0 g/L
                                                                  Compounds (VOC)
            LIMITATIONS:                                          VOC when used as   Contains 0% VOC minus exempted
                                                                  intended with both
            1.  Maximum size of insulation board to be attached        parts                  materials
               with Board-Max is 4 x 4 foot (1.2 x 1.2 m).        Flash Point (TCC)   >399° F (>204° C)   >200° F (>93° C)
            2.  Maximum size of roof board (base or cover) to be    Auto Ignition
               attached with Board-Max is 4 x 8 foot (1.2 x         Temperature    No data available   >482° F (>250° C)
               2.4 m).                                          Viscosity (77° F/25° C)  No data available   No data available
            3.  The adhesive temperature must be between 75°         Mix Ratio           1               1
               F and 85° F (24 – 29° C) when applied. This      1  Technical information and data should be considered representative
               ensures that the proper mixing ratio is maintained   or typical only and should not be used for specification purposes.
               during installation and will give the best yield per
               tank kit. When the adhesive temperature falls
               outside of this range the tanks may take several    TABLE 2. TYPICAL PROPERTIES – MIXED COMPONENTS
               hours to adjust to an acceptable temperature.             Properties           Mixed Components
               Therefore, keeping the tanks in a warm              Open Time (2.5-inch bead)    1.5 – 5 minutes*
               environment overnight during cold weather           Work Life in Mixing Nozzle   30 – 60 seconds*
               months and keeping the tanks from getting too          Time to Tack Free         1 – 5 minutes*
               hot in the summer will avoid delays during          Time to Handling Strength   4 – 8 minutes after bonding*
                                                                      Time to Full Cure           24 hours
            4.  The substrate temperature that the adhesive is
               applied to must be between 30° F and 100° F                           Coverage
               (-1 – 38° C).                                      2.5-inch beads, 12 inches o.c.   3,000 sq-ft per A/B Tank Kit
                                                                         (field area)
            5.  Do not use during inclement weather.
                                                                  2.5-inch beads, 6 inches o.c.
            6.  Concrete and gypsum decks must be cured                (perimeter area)     1,500 sq-ft per A/B Tank Kit
               before applying Board-Max.                       * Times may be affected by temperature and weather conditions.
            7.  Do not use on wet surfaces. Do not install
               Board-Max on a wet surface. Take whatever
               precautions are necessary to ensure that the
               surface is dry during the application and curing of
               the Board-Max.

                                2 of 4                                 800-248-0280
                                Duro-Last, Duro-Guard, Duro-Grip and “World’s Best Roof” are registered trademarks owned by Duro-Last, Inc.
                                               Created: 03/20/2017 Revised: 03/21/2017, 03/23/2017
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