Page 240 - Microsoft Word - 2_Inch_Drain_Adapter_PDS_2016_01_05
P. 240

                                               DURO-LAST  VAPOR BARRIER

            PRECAUTIONS:                                          3.  Temporary roof (not immediately covered by a
            1.  Read Safety Data Sheets (SDS) prior to using.        roof system)
            2.  Wear proper personal protective equipment, such      a.  Install according to the 6 steps shown below.
               as gloves and eye protection, per the SDS.            b.  Cover and seal all T joints, transitions and any
            ORDERING:                                                   other openings with Sopramastic.
            Rolls may be ordered individually. Each roll             c.  Contractors are responsible for providing
            measures 3.75 ft. by 133 ft. and will cover 465             adequate slope to roof drains to allow for
            square feet with a 3-inch overlap.                          proper drainage of the roof area.
            1. Limitations                                                  TABLE 1. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 2
               a.  The minimum ambient and surface                                      Standards     Results
                  temperature before application should be        Thickness                -          31.5 mils
                  14 F and rising.
               b.  Do not use during wet weather.                 Weight                   -         0.16 lb/sqft  1
               c.  Do not use on wet substrates.                  Tensile Strength    ASTM D 5147  64 lbf/in x 88 lbf/in
                                                                  Elongation          ASTM D 5147    52% x 24%
               d.  Do not use on dirty or greasy substrates.
               e.  Do not use on substrates that show signs of    Cold Bending        ASTM D 5147      -31° F
                  deterioration or loss of structural integrity.   Static Puncture    ASTM D 5602      90 lbf   1
               f.  Do not use product after expiration date.      Tear Resistance     ASTM D 5601   84 lbf x 90 lbf
            2.  Duro-Last Vapor Barrier (immediately covered by   Lap Adhesion        ASTM D 1876      138 lbf
               a roof system)                                     Water Absorption    ASTM D 5147   0.1% maximum
               a.  Install according to the 6 steps shown in the   Peel Resistance     ASTM D 903     83 lbf/ft
                  pictures below.                                 Water Vapor Permeance  ASTM E 96   .017 perm
                                                                                         (Pro. B)
                                                                                       ASTM E 283            .  2
                                                                  Air Permeability                 < 0.007 L/sec m
                                                                                         (75 Pa)
                                                                  1  Values are shown for both machine and cross machine
                                                                    directions. The machine direction results are listed first.
                                                                    All values are nominal.

            1. Roll out the Duro-Last Vapor Barrier over a   2. Once the membrane is in place, while holding the   3. Install subsequent rolls of membrane in the same
            clean, dry deck.                  membrane tight, peel off the silicone release film by   way, taking care to overlap the longitudinal joints by
                                              pulling diagonally.               3 inches.

            4. On steel decks, at the end of a roll, install a metal   5. The membrane’s  superior  strength offers extra   6. Once  installation  is complete, the  Duro-Last
            plate (6 in. by 42 in.) to support the membrane end   protection from heavy foot traffic during installation.   Vapor Barrier  membrane temporarily  protects
            lap between  the metal flutes ensuring a  complete   The slip-resistant surface allows for safe movement   against inclement weather. If not immediately
            end lap seal. End laps must overlap by 6 inches.   across the roof.   covered, follow extra steps per  3a and 3b in  the
                                                                                instructions above.

                                 2 of 2                                800-248-0280
                         Duro-Last, Duro-Guard, Duro-Fleece, Duro-Fleece Plus, Duro-Tuff and “World’s Best Roof” are registered marks owned by Duro-Last, Inc.
                                               Created: 01/15/2014 Revised: 05/11/2015, 03/08/2016
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