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Chaplain’s Corner parts of ourselves that we hide away, and he
sheds his light there. He removes our guilt, he
December 2018 sets us free, and he conquers all of our obstacles.
Jesus also pushes us when complacency sets in,
Jesus is the Reason for the Season reminding us of the joy of serving others, not
just once a year, but all the time.
December 2018
Submitted By
Soror Robyn Lindsey, Chaplain’s Council Member Sorors, this year as we pack up the Christmas deco-
rations, let us NOT pack away the spirit of Christ-
Merry Christmas Sorors! It is the most wonderful mas. Remember, JESUS IS THE REASON FOR ANY
time of the year!!! SEASON.
I bring greetings to you this holiday season with Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and
both a prayer and proclamation that our Lord and yours!
Savior, Jesus Christ, through HIS love and grace will
abide and abound with each of us as we celebrate
with joy and adoration CHRISTMAS… the birth of NOTE: The Chaplain’s Council is here for you. We
Jesus. are praying for you and with you. We invite you to
join us on the third Wednesday of the month at 6:00
During this time, we often hear and see the cli-
che …….JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON on – 6:15A.M., for the “What happens when sisters pray”
Christmas cards, decorations, jewelry, T-shirts, etc… prayer call. It’s a time of devotion, prayer, and re-
and Kirk Franklin and The Family has a song about freshing for a new day. Connect with us as we bom-
it. This is the time when we celebrate the birth of bard Heaven on behalf of others, our community,
Jesus. It is also a time when we want to remember our chapter, our Sorority, each other and ourselves.
who GOD is and what he has done for us, which Remember, God hears us when we pray.
brings out Praise, Thanksgiving and Glorifying God.
Christmas isn’t simply the act of being with family
and friends, great food, great fun and giving gifts.
Why do we give gifts at Christmas time? One of the NEXT PRAYER CALL: DECEMBER 19
main reasons we give gifts is to remind us of the Prayer Line: 515.603.4901
presents given to Jesus by the three Wise Men. The Participant Code: 759781#
three Wise Men bought Frankincense, Gold and
Myrrh to the baby Jesus.
What makes Jesus different?
What makes Him the “REASON FOR THE SEASON”?
One answer is found in the book of Hebrews 2:9
1. God Became Man
“…Jesus, who was made a little lower than the an-
2. Jesus is not just a prophet
3. Not just a good teacher
4. Not just a special person God sent to the earth
5. Jesus is God, who wrapped Himself in flesh and
made Himself lower than His created Angels and
came to the earth as a man
Jesus enters the most difficult, tragic and painful
times and transforms them. Jesus goes to the