Page 5 - NewsletterDecember
P. 5
Orientating questions to ensure Sorors under-
stood information presented. Next,
Soror Jaunita Owes, Fundraising
New Members Chair, provided an overview of the
chapter’s fundraising activities. She
began by giving a brief history of the
On November 17, 2018 following So- chapter’s fundraising efforts. She
rority meeting, the Membership Ser- explained the chapter’s primary ac-
vices Committee hosted an Orienta- tivities, A Crimson and Cream Affair
tion session for Sorors who have re- and Crème de la Crème/Gospel Ex-
cently become active with the Mont- plosion, and stressed that fundrais-
gomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter. This ing is vital to support the activities
session was held to familiarize So- the chapter performs in our com-
rors with chapter activities and an- munity.
swer questions.
Next, Soror Brown gave an overview
Soror Crystal Crump, Second Vice of the Programmatic Thrust commit-
President, welcomed Sorors to the tees. She discussed each of the
Orientation. Soror Cassandra E. committees and how the chapter
Brown, President, greeted Sorors has implemented activities in each
and thanked them for attending the of these areas. Soror Brown encour-
session and showing interest in re- aged Sorors to consider signing up
ceiving more information about the for committees in their areas of in-
chapter. An informative PowerPoint terest. After this overview, Soror
presentation was prepared for the Crump gave an overview of the
session, and it began with an intro- chapter’s Internal and Operational
duction of the chapter’s elected of- committees. Finally, Sorors in at-
ficers. tendance were provided an oppor-
tunity to ask questions related to
The next portion of Orientation was the information presented.
a financial overview by Soror Ber-
nita Zeigler, Financial Secretary.
During this overview, Soror Zeigler
explained the dues structure,
amounts, deadlines, and any late/
reinstatement fees if dues are not
received timely. She also answered
Welcome Sorors!