Page 4 - NewsletterDecember
P. 4
Signature Programs Update learned from the session, and these students were
Submitted by given a gift card for participating.
Soror Robyn Lindsey
In the next session, “What’s Next?” Ms. Lucy Pettway,
Counselor at McKee Middle School, spoke to the par-
The Signature Programs (Delta Academy, Delta GEMS, ticipants on what to expect in middle school. To begin
and EMBODI) held its monthly session on November the session, each participant was asked to state their
10, 2018 at Carver Elementary and Arts Magnet name, school, and something personal about them-
School. selves. Next, the students were asked about a typical
day at school, how often they switch classrooms, and
The morning began with a recap of previous activities,
if they wear uniforms. Ms.
recognizing those
celebrating birthdays Pettway spoke about disci-
pline, bullying, and re-
in the month of Oc-
specting themselves and
tober, and a discus-
sion on upcoming others. She asked the par-
ticipants about their big-
community service
events. were eager gest challenges, social me-
dia, adjusting to new
to get their day start-
learning environments,
and what they want to be
The first session,
when they grow up. The
“The Healthy You,”
participants enjoyed being
was facilitated by Dr. in a session that allowed
Joye Barber-Owens
them to interact with each
from Medical Advo-
other and the speaker on a
cacy and Outreach personal level.
(MAO). During the session, Dr. Barber-Owens spoke
In “Am I Living My Best Life?” Ms. Rose Penn, and Ann
to the participants about healthy eating and encour-
aged students to read labels carefully. She also dis- Mathis, Counselors at Sidney Lanier High School,
spoke to the participants about their course load,
cussed the risk of strokes, heart attacks, and diabetes
class choices, and ap-
that come from
poor nutrition. plying for college. The
counselors stressed
The students then
the importance of hav-
participated in an
activity where ing a good grade point
average and studying
they were asked
for the ACT, including
to select the
healthiest choice fee waivers available
for ACT Aspire. They
between foods
also discussed scholar-
offered. This was
a fun way to get ship opportunities and
participating in col-
the students to
lege/career day at
think about food
intake and making their schools.
healthy choices. After the sessions
Dr. Barber-Owens encouraged the participants to try were complete, the students reviewed the sessions
different things and not eat the same foods repeated- that were presented and spoke about what they were
ly. Finally, she asked three students to tell what they thankful for during this season.