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Chaplain’s Corner
Living A Thankful Life
November 2018
Greetings my Sisters! I greet each of you with Jesus’s Joy and Sisterly Love!
The weather has changed and the feel of Fall is in the air. I was standing at my kitch-
en window looking out at God’s creation and its beauty and I began to reflect on how
thankful we should be; that just as the leaves fall from the tree, we too fall short, but
God still loves us and cares for us. Even when we are ungrateful, His grace covers us.
And for that and so much more my sisters, we should be living a THANKFUL LIFE.
As we prepare to enter the month of November and to celebrate Thanksgiving, we
generally make a special effort to focus on our blessings and giving thanks to God for
His goodness and mercy. This is good, but God wants more. Regardless of the day or
the situation, God wants us to be thankful and to live thankful lives. You might ask,
why is that? Here are a few reasons why.
1. Living A Thankful Life - lets God know you have confidence in Him, no matter how
deep the problems or how dire the circumstances. Thanks is faith turned inside
2. Living A Thankful Life - changes your disposition. Instead of being down and dis-
couraged, spreading misery and despair everywhere you go, you begin to radiate the
joy of the Lord. The best witnesses for Christ are those who are facing life’s trials with
a song of thanksgiving (and praise) on their lips.
3. Living A Thankful Life - opens the door for God to work mighty in your life and the
lives of others. God hates it when we grumble and complain, but He loves it when we
praise Him and give thanks. As we begin to live a life of thankfulness to God, He be-
gins to work, even through the toughest trials and tests of our faith. God does miracles
on our behalf when we choose to thank Him and praise Him, even when the way
seems so dark.
The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “In everything give thanks; for this is God’s
will for you in Christ Jesus.” Isn’t it easy to thank God for the good things, but God
wants us to give thanks in not just the good, but through the bad and the ugly. No mat-
ter what you are dealing with in your life right now, just stop right here and tell the
Lord…THANK YOU! We must get to a place that living a thankful life is our daily norm
and not just what we do in November.