Page 6 - NovemberNewsletter18
P. 6

                                                 Rollin’   to the Polls

        The  Montgomery  (AL) Alumnae  Chapter  of              3:30 AM strategically placing signs through-
        Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. continues to           out Montgomery, Elmore and Autauga coun-
        keep  “Rollin  to  the  Polls”  this  was  evident      ties  encouraging  the  community  to  vote.
        on Tuesday,  November  6,  2018  with  an  ex-          During the morning rush hour, volunteers ex-
        tremely high percentage of voter participation          ecuted Phase I of the WAVE CAMPAIGN in
        during  the  mid-term  election  across  Mont-          west Montgomery.
        gomery  County.    President  Cassandra  E.             Throughout the day calls were answered and
        Brown  expressed                                                                     voters  were  taxied
        that she could not                                                                   throughout  the  city
        have  asked  for  a                                                                  to voting locations.
        better day!  Forty-                                                                  The        volunteers
        six      volunteers                                                                  lined  South  Deca-
        from very diverse                                                                    tur  Street  during
        backgrounds                                                                          the 4:30 – 5:30 PM
        transported       al-                                                                rush  hour  to  exe-
        most ninety (90) voters to the polls.   The vol-        cute  Phase  II  of  the  WAVE  CAMPAIGN  to
        unteers  included  two  individuals  from  New          encourage  voter  participation.  Some  voters
        York  and  Washington,  DC  who  were  in  the          encountered issues along the way as vehicles
        city vacationing.   Included in the voters were         failed or polling stations did not have the cor-
        eighteen-year-olds                                                                    rect ballots.  How-
        voting time with par-                                                                 ever,  these  issues
        ents  and  grandpar-                                                                  did  not  stop  them
        ents  by  their  side.                                                                from          voting.
        Also included among                                                                   Those  who  re-
        the voters was a sev-                                                                 quired  a  ride  were
        enty-two  year  old                                                                   provided  transpor-
        voter  who  was  vot-                                                                 tation  and  other
        ing for only the sec-                                                                 polling issues were
        ond  time  in  her  life                                                              reported  immedi-
        and  she  did  so  with                                                               ately.
        much enthusiasm.
        Though  there  were
        issues along the way,                                                                 A  huge  thanks  to
        the  efforts  of  the                                                                 all  the  volunteers
        Rollin  to  the  Polls                                                                that  showed  up
        initiative  under  the                                                                and  showed  out
        leadership  of  Kynesha  Brown  certainly  was          during this entire process.  If you were unable
        successful  in  empowering  and  engaging  our          to participate in any of the activities leading
        community.                                              up to this event we look forward to working

                                                                with  you  in  January  2019  as  we  gear  up  to
        The  Political  Awareness  and  Involvement             “roll to the polls” for municipal elections!
        committee and the volunteers of the Rollin to
        the  Polls  initiative  started  out  as  early  as
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