Page 3 - March 2019
P. 3

Signature Programs

                                             Theater Experience …….
                                               Four Little Girls

                                                                                             They  were  able      to
         The  Signature  Programs                                                            imagine these four little
         (Delta   Academy,     Delta                                                         girls,  who  were  similar
         GEMS,  and  EMBODI)  at-                                                            in  age  as  our  partici-
         tended  the  Four  Little                                                           pants,  before  the  oc-
         Girls:  Birmingham  1963                                                            currence of the terrible
         play on February 9, 2019 at                                                         event.    Our  partici-
         the  Alabama  Shakespeare                                                           pants were able to see
         Festival.                                                                           that  these  girls  had
                                                                                             names  and  dreams

                                                                                             such     as     Denise
         This play is one of two first                                                       dreamed  of  becoming
         for  the  Alabama  Shake-                                                           a    doctor,    Carole
         speare  Festival  productions                                                       looked    forward    to
         of  Civil  Rights  tales  this  season                                     wearing  her  dress  at  the  cotil-
         by  the  same  living  playwright,                                         lion,  Cynthia  imagined  being  a
         Christina  Ham.  The  cast  mem-                                           mathematics professor and Ad-
         bers  in  this  play  were  students                                       die Mae wanted to be a profes-
         from  the  Montgomery  County                                              sional baseball player.
         Public School System in partner-
         ship with Alabama State Universi-
         ty.  The  second  production  also                                         The  participants  were  able  to
         occurring  at  the  Shakespeare                                            reflect from the play and visual-
         Festival by Christina Ham is Four                                          ize  the  four  little  girls’  dreams,
         Women.                                                                     their times with their family and
                                                                                    friends, and the trials and tribu-
          The  participants  were  able  to                       lations  they  faced  as  children  living  in  a  divided
         experience  a  historical  moment  in  1963  –  the      and segregated city in Birmingham, Alabama.
         bombing  of  the  16   Street  Baptist  Church  in  Bir-
         mingham, AL.

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